Dear Dan, Michelle and Members of Desert Valley DPC!
Once again I bring thanks on behalf of SND, the Senior Doberman Project and all the Seniors who are enjoying your generous sponsorships! THANK YOU for your continuing support!! DVDPC’s donation of $730.00, which was further supplemented by individual members, brought the total sponsorship funds to a wonderful $920.00!! Enjoying these sponsorships are Penny in Colorado, Maggie in Florida, Darla and Sasha Rose in Louisiana, Beau in Nevada, as well as Indie and Sasha in Ohio! I invite you all to visit your Seniors here:
Continuing harsh economics remain for us all and especially Rescue Groups kind enough to take in Senior Dobes who have been discarded in the twilight of their lives. We will continue to support the efforts of these Rescues as much as possible – in no small part because of the kindness you have shown – which makes extra funds available for them whether they are in hospice care or whether they are in foster care waiting for a Forever Family.
We are especially grateful to Michelle for her continuing championing of these beautiful Dobermans over these many years. To have the support of a Chapter Club and its members is always so very heartening and all of you have every reason to proud of your efforts as you are one of only a few Chapters who clearly see a reason to support our Seniors!!
Please share this letter with your members at one of your meetings – I do want all of you to know how much this means to the Seniors.
For the SND Family,
Mars Martin
Debra McMahan, Senior Doberman Project