A Senior Thank You

Dear Dan, Michelle and Members of Desert Valley DPC!

On behalf of SND, the Senior Doberman Project and all the Seniors who are enjoying your generous sponsorships, THANK YOU!!  DVDPC’s donation of $630.00, which was further supplemented by individual members, brought the total sponsorship funds to a wonderful $1,005.00!!  I invite you to visit your Seniors here:  http://www.doberman911.org/seniors/cases/index.html.  Enjoying 3-month sponsorships each are Sissy in California, Taylor in Florida, Sir Zeus in Louisiana, Tayla in Michigan, Star in North Carolina, Indie and Gunther in Ohio, as well as Buddy and Max in Texas!

I doubt anyone needs reminding how tough times are for all and especially Rescue Groups kind enough to take in Senior Dobes who have been abandoned through no fault of their own.  We are grateful to them and to you for your kindness which makes extra funds available for their care while they are in Foster awaiting the chance to be part of a Forever Family.  It is always so very heartening to have the support of a Chapter Club and their members.  I again thank Michelle for championing these beautiful Dobermans over these many years.  What a wonderful way to insure that we are able to help as many of these precious Dobermans as possible!

I will be sending a copy of this letter via email to DVDPC and individual donors and by snail mail for those members not using email.  Please share this with your members at one of your meetings – I do want all to know how much this means to the Seniors.

Once again, accept the thanks from those Seniors you are helping back to the good health they richly deserve and who would thank you ALL themselves if they could!! I wish you and yours the best of health and happiness!

For the SND Family,

Mars Martin



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