Dock Diving Seminar Success!

We had a fantastic time at the two day dock diving seminar with Debbie Markwardt of Midlothian, TX. Held at Hunter Canines’ amazing facility in Cave Creek, AZ. . . Storms tried to damped the activities on tuesday but to no avail. Everyone, dogs & people, had a fantastic time. While this was sponsored by the DVDPC. . . We did have some of our non-doberman friends join us! We are hoping to plan another seminar in the future. . . So keep checking back. Now for the a few videos of the fun!


Dolce Diving



And of course a few photos. . .


And some more. . .


dd 3


Hawk. . . The superstar. . . Hawk collage

And of course Day 2. . . We got a few good shots!


Thanks to Louise & Kim for getting this together, Hunter Canine for the use of their amazing facility, Debbie Markwardt for sharing her knowledge, to all those that participated & of course the volunteers ~ we couldn’t do it without you!!!

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