DPCA National Wrap Up!

A few of the DVDPC members made the trip to Topeka for the DPCA National Convention. Here is how they did. . .

Excelsia’s Farewell to Arms call name Ernesto was reserve winners dog at the first regional, third place in 6 to 9 dog at the second regional and won the 6 to 9 AOAC puppy dog class at the nationals. Owned by Mimi Brown and Cheryl Watkins shown at the nationals by Linda George.

Undermountain Dreams Run Wild, Bizzy, won 2nd at the Sunday Regional and 3rd at the National. Bizzy is owned by Deanne Reiser

Bizzy & Deanne

Bizzy & Deanne

Vinnie won first place at the regional show – open black bitch, also got 4th at the national in her open black bitch class. Vinnie also earned her Canine Good Citizen Certificate so she gets to add CGC to her name! Vinne is owned by L. Michelle Lewis.

Hoping to add some pictures to this soon after everyone recovers from the trip!

Mark you calenders. . . The National is in Lancaster, PA next year. For more information on the national check out the DPCA’s website

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