President ~ Cindy Ronnfeldt | Vice President ~ Bob Allen |
Secretary ~ Patty Huling | Treasurer ~ Mimi Brown, MD |
Officers: Jenn Cannerelli, Deb Castro, Linda Freese, Romon (Jose’) Garcia & Judie Walter | Breeder Referral ~ Lois Whitmire |
The Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club was formed in 1963 by a small group of breed fanciers from the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. On May 27 of that year, thirteen people gathered together and created the Club which was to become the Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club.
On June 20,1963 the Club voted to adopt its present name and began the mailing of a monthly bulletin. The Thirteen original members were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, Priscilla Bouchey, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Church, Dixie McCauley, William McCauslin, Tom McDonough, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moye, Nancy Punches, Lois Richardson, and Ruth Ulinger. On January 9, 1964, a constitution and by-laws were adopted by the membership. Application was made for Doberman Pinscher Club of America chapter club status in 1965, and
this was granted shortly thereafter.
During the early years of the clubs existence, emphasis was placed on increasing the memberships’ knowledge of the breed and on the betterment of the breed. To these ends, programs and written materials on the Doberman Pinscher standard and other educational topics were presented. The adoption of planned breeding programs and participation in conformation shows and obedience trials was encouraged. A highlight of this early period in the club history was the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Specialty Show in
October, 1963, at Los Angeles. Twelve members of the Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club, with nine entries, attended. One of the entries went Best of Winners! The monthly newsletter, called “The Adobe Dobe”, was continued during these early years. This emphasis on the betterment of the Doberman Pinscher Breed through education of the membership has continued to the present and the club attempts to have an educational session in conjunction with each regular monthly meeting.
The club held its first American Kennel Club Sanctioned B-OB Match during the summer of 1964 and drew 28 entries. Two more sanctioned B Matches were held early in 1965, with both drawing good entries. Between 1965 and 1971 the club continued to hold matches in preparation for approval of its first
point show. In addition to BMatches, three sanctioned A Matches were held during this period.
The first Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club Specialty Show and Obedience Trial was held November 19, 1971, at Pierce Park in Phoenix. The conformation Judge was Charles Etner of Huston, Texas, and the Obedience Judge was Carlton Claydon of Arizona. The total entry for the first show was 97. The clubs second Specialty Show and Obedience Trial was November 17, 1972. A puppy sweepstakes was also held, and a sweepstakes has been a part of each club specialty show since that time. The Club has continued to hold
specialties the second Friday in November each year, and the November 1974 show drew a total entry of 180. March 21, 1975 was the date of the clubs first Spring Specialty and Obedience Trial. One or two sanctioned B-OB Matches are also held yearly.
Beginning in 1974 the Club has increased attention and emphasis to obedience programs. Obedience classes have been held on a regular basis for nine months of the year, and a complete set of obedience equipment has been constructed by Club members. At the March, 1975, Specialty show and Obedience Trial there were 22 entries in obedience reflecting the increased interest of the membership in this area.
The first Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club Awards Banquet was held February 13, 1975, at the Islands Restaurant in Phoenix. Awards which had been voted by the membership were given in such categories as Outstanding Service, Sportsmanship, Outstanding Breeder, etc. Awards were also given to top winning and obedience scoring dogs owned by club members. This highly successful evening was attended by over sixty members, and it is planned to have an awards banquet as an annual event.
Over the years The Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club has grown into one of the largest Doberman Pinscher breed clubs in the United States, with the membership being 126 at the end of 1974. It is a hard working, enthusiastic, financially sound club, dedicated to the betterment of the Doberman Pinscher
breed and to the advancement of the membership as Doberman Pinscher owners, breeders, and exhibitors.
Written July, 1975.